Tanren Dojo | Ten Shadows Martial Arts
Ju no Kage Ryu Kenpo Karate/Ju-Jitsu
Sensei Jimmy Lockett

James O. 'Jimmy' Lockett is ranked 7th Dan in Ju no Kage Ryu Kenpo Karate Do (Ten Shadows Martial Art System), 5th Dan in Japanese Ju-Jitsu (Moritakan Ryu), 1st Dan in Judo (USA Judo), and Instructor in Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan.
Jimmy began studying Judo in 1967 with Mr. Harold King. In 1969 he began studying Shorei Kenpo Goshin Jutsu (Kenpo Self-Defense), a combination of Okinawan and Chinese Kenpo Karate, under Master Herman Griffin. Jimmy remained with Master Griffin until the Master's death in 1998. Jimmy also wrestled on his high school team for three years and practiced boxing with his brother, a 1976 Olympic alternate. He began studying Yang Style Tai Chi Chuan in 1985 and Jujutsu arts in 1987.
Jimmy has studied 5 Animals Kung Fu with Art Sykes, Aikido with Dusty Young and James Noriega, Small Circle Jiu Jitsu with Wally Jay, Gracie Jiu Jitsu with Reylson Gracie, Jeet Kune Do Grappling with Larry Harsell, Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Kodokai and Hakuho Kai in NYC and Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu Iaido under S. T. Khan in NYC. In 1987 Jimmy began practicing Filipino Kali/Escrima through Master Dan Inosanto.
Jimmy has attended seminars by William Cheung (Wing Chun), Francis Fong (Wing Chun), Chai Sirisute (Muay Thai), Paul Vunak (Jeet Kune Do), Steven K. Hayes (Ninjutsu), Graciela Casillas (Kickboxing), Paul de Thouars (Pentjak Silat) and many others.
Jimmy has been a certified Aerobics instructor and personal trainer, certified Herbalist, certified in Ohashiatsu and Do-In Shiatsu, and a licensed paramedic (NREMT-P).
Jimmy is author of the book, Seishin Shuyo: Mental Training in Traditional Martial Arts which can be found on Amazon.
Along with continuing to study and practice Kenpo and Tai Chi, Jimmy is currently studying Moritakan Ryu Jiu Jitsu and Judo with Sensei Jose Carricarte.
Jimmy is a member of the Kokusai Budoin Renmei, Japan (International Martial Arts Federation), the American Jujitsu Association (AJA) and USA Judo as well as a life member of the United States Martial Arts Federation (USMAF), the United States Ju Jitsu Federation (USJJF), and USA-Traditional Kodokan Judo (USA-TKJ). He is a member of the technical committees of the USMAF and the USJJF. In April 2019 Jimmy received the honor of being inducted into the USJJF Hall of Fame as a Sensei.